
Sunday 14 July 2013

Hek trader starting to ramp up

13 days into the month and i am up 1.5bn ISK which includes buying a Plex for 530m ISK to allow Dual Training.  So about averaging 150m ISK per night profits before Plex purchases.  At this rate i am on track for 4bn ISK increase this month (4.5bn ISK less the Plex purchase for 0.5bn ISK).  I would hope though that my trader in Hek continues to improve and so i am aiming to do better than that.

It has been noticeable that as i move into more higher priced items to sell (over 200m ISK) then i start to have to take big write downs as competitors come in and knock 20m or so ISK off the lowest price at a time.  To mitigate against this risk i only buy 1 or 2 of such items at a time – hence if i need to take a write down to undercut new competitors.

More use of Corporation Mechanics: My alt in Jita that does all the buying now uses the corporate wallet to make the purchases from – therefore this alt need never spend some mouse clicks taking ISK from the corporation to make purchases.  Saves me some time.

Almost daily my alt in Jita is now sending 2 Rush Contract jobs to my alts in Dodixie and Hek.  Hence, spending c43m ISK per day to have items hauled from Jita to Dodixie and Hek.

Surplus ISK: I am finding that i can have over 1bn ISK in the wallet and yet be struggling to find items to buy in Jita to sell in Dodixie or Hek.  I continue to do research looking for suitable items to sell – but this is slow work.

However, i have decided to try Station Trading.  In summary, that is when i place orders to buy items in a station with the intention of then selling those same in items in the same station and so making my money on the spread between the buying price and the selling price.  I plan to stick to the same slow moving, high value items.  Therefore, my Buy Orders could in effect suck up ISK as dead money as they wait to be filled.  I will see how it goes.

Dodixie trader: Business as usual really.  Is using 73 of its 141 spare slots to sell items.  Not much change, implants and fittings still the major sellers.  Blueprints quite a small amount now.  Typically having over 750m to 1.2bn ISK of products hauled each day.

Hek trader: Skilled up to Retail level 4, Trade level 4, Accounting level 4, Broking Relations level 4 and Contracting level 2.  Currently learning Trade level 5 so that can start on Wholesale training to increase the number of active selling slots.  At present, using 26 of its 53 slots leaving room for more items to be sold as i discover them through comparing prices at Hek and Jita.  The alt pays 0.80% to put a sell order on and 0.90% in sales tax once it is sold.  Starting to make some good ISK though i don’t really have a feel how much given ISK from the alt in Dodixie and the alt in Hek gets all mixed together.

I would hope that the combined alts in Dodixie and Hek can get to 6bn ISK per month after purchasing a Plex for Dual training.

Industrial Alt: Currently my buying alt in Jita whilst skilling up the industrial skills needed for manufacturing.  Has trained Industry to level 4, Mass Production to level 4 and Production Efficiency to level 4.  Currently training Production Efficiency to level 5.  Hence, this alt can currently run 5 manufacturing jobs at once.  I next plan to level Mass Production to level 5 which will allow me to learn Advanced Mass Production to add additional manufacturing slots.  Hence, still really a month away from starting any form of manufacturing.

Current wealth is 6,989,869,330 ISK made up from:
  • Items for sale 7,264,928,420 ISK
  • less a 20% provision (1,452,985,684) ISK*
  • Buy orders 560,800,203 ISK
  • Items in storage for sale 15,400,000 ISK
  • Items in transit 0 ISK
  • ISK in wallets 601,726,391 ISK

Expected business purchases in the next 30 days
  • Plex 530,000,000 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.
* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost until i finally hold it as ISK.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what cost is or at least the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.

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