
Wednesday 16 October 2013

My Eve Spreadsheets

The one thing that every Business needs in Eve is spreadsheets.  To be honest, in my case that probably reflects my personality but in my experience other ISK making players in Eve use spreadsheets profusely.

my current spreadsheet has 11 tabs:

1. Wealth - this one keeps a track of my wealth (sell orders, buy orders, Items in hangers, items in production, ISK in wallet etc).

2. Items to sell in Dodixie - this one keeps a list (which is duplicated on my quickbar) of all the items I can sell in Dodixie and compares the price of each item in Dodixie to the price of the item in Jita.  See my post on How to bring Jita prices into spreadsheets directly from the web.

3. A sheet that downloads from Eve-Central that compares the prices for all items between Dodixie and Jita in the Eve-Central database.  I use this one to find new ideas on items to buy in Jita to sell in Dodixie.

4. Items to sell in Hek - this one keeps a list (which is duplicated on my quickbar) of all the items I can sell in Hek and compares the price of each item in Hek to the price of the item in Jita.  A similar sheet to (2) above.

5. A sheet that downloads from Eve-Central that compares the prices for all items between Hek and Jita in the Eve-Central database.  I use this one to find new ideas on items to buy in Jita to sell in Dodixie.  A similar sheet to (3) above.

6. A summary of the manufacturing data in sheet (7) which lists the profit margins of all items I can manufacture (with the cost data pulled off the web from Eve-Central).  The sheet will also tell me what materials I need to purchase depending on what I select to manufacture.

7. All the manufacturing data (materials required) for all items I can manufacture.

8 to 10. Data sheets that pulls down prices in Jita of items from the web (from Eve-Central) for my trading in Dodixie and Hek, and my manufacturing operations.

11. A data sheet that lists the type Ids of all items in Eve.  I is used as a reference for sheets 8 to 10 and 6 to pull down data from Eve-Central.

My entire Eve business is run from this spreadsheet.


  1. This is cool, do you have a copy available for download?

    1. I will see what I can do without giving away all my trade secrets

  2. The link to the blog post under item 2 points to the first post on your blog...don't think that's right.

  3. I don't use spreadsheets and I do ok. :)

  4. I should expand on that a bit. IMO the time spent importing data and going through it to find good deals might as well be spent posting/updating orders.

    Thought impossible to prove conclusively not using spreadsheets probably makes makes me more ISK than spending the time on spreadsheets would because unlike all the spreadsheet users I'm not just going after whatever has the highest profit margin at the time.

    A bunch of players all buying the same thing and transporting it to the same place for sale because their spreadsheets say it's the most profitable thing can very quickly raise the price on the buying station and lower it on the selling station.

    1. Now that's interesting. How do you keep track of all your goods then? I only have one trader and I find sifting through all my wares a challenge.

  5. Hey there! 1st of all i love the blog and i wanted to say thank you for you effort. i am planning to endeavor in manufacturing but im having extreme problems making spreadsheets (i know almost 0 of excell and especialy the complicated stuff to pull date from eve central) . wanted to ask you if you could copy part of your spreadsheet and post it (just the part that pulls the prices from the major 5 hubs of all items on eve).

    I understand you probably dont want to disclose this but i would be very thankfull!

    anyways thanks again for all the work and keep us updated!

    1. Not so easy to post that part of the spreeadsheet - at some stage I will make a separate post to focus on that specific part of pulling prices from Eve-Central

  6. While my spreadsheets aren't this extensive (since I don't yet do much trading), I'm curious if your #6 and #7 cross-correlate with your assets. In other words, to make this T2 ship you need to have this in your assets (preferably at the right place) and thus the delta than needs purchasing is X.

    I'm doing passable at this in Google Docs, but the lack of a good way to pull assets on a large number of items is definitely limiting me.

    1. No, I tend to buy what need at the time to manufacture given I am still at the early stages of my manufacturing business. I suspect when I come to recording my assets I will either need to use a third party program or keep a constant level of certain basic raw materials in stock.

  7. For your 1) Wealth tracking spreadsheet, is this something that pulls data automatically, or do you manually enter this information? As I'm not technically gifted enough to create my own, I've been looking for something that will do this.

    1. at the moment I manually enter the data. though there is a program called jEveAssets - Eve-Online Asset Manager ( which will track your assets for you.
