
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Someone likes something about the Brutix Blueprint!

I noticed this in Dodixie whilst checking orders recently.

Someone had bought 100 Brutix Blueprints for 570m ISK each = 57bn ISK.

Assuming i am understanding the mechanics here - given in 1 order you can only buy 16 blueprints in one station at a time it looks like the buyer would have bought 16 blueprints in several stations and so had some hauling around to do to pick them all up!

Eitherway, that is some serious ISK to spend on Blueprints.  I don't yet know what the thinking behind this was!


  1. Astarte Invention?

    ... disclaimer: I don't do invention, and don't really understand it, but don't tech2 BPCs need tech1 bpos as part of the discovery process?

    1. You invent from BPC's so you only need (1) BPO which you then copy into as many BPC's as you want for invention. I suspect that in all of Eve there aren't (55) Brutix BPO's producing in any given year. An individual character can only do a maximum of 11 prints in production at any one time.

      With just one character using 11 of those BPO's (unresearched) you can build a brutix every 18 minutes assuming you have the minerals. Using (55) blueprints (if you have the character production slots) you can produce 413 ships every 24 hours --- The entire market in all of Eve for a Brutix amounts to sell orders of 1400 ships and buy orders of about 700 ships.

      This can't be anything but a huge mistake. The ROI on a T1 BC is so low that you can't pay off a single BPO inside a year with constant production let alone 55 of them.

    2. Seems odd though, right in time for the drone nerf, to double down on researching and building brutix.

  2. Also: I'm not poor, but sometimes I'm reminded that there are people in this game who have a LOT more money than me.

    1. meh, check the dev stats, the amount of players that throw around this money is tiny. Welcome to the 1%. Once you make it to 100bn, you are almost on your own up there.

  3. Whelp. Either someone is an idiot, trying to do invention, or more likely, he is going into production, or blueprint sales. I'd wager a new POS has gone up somewhere near that, and he's going to unload a lot of alts on ME and PE research. Hopefully he's smart enough to stop at ME10PE5 and resell for profit.

    then again, could have just accidentally a 0 there.

    1. Though after checking it out. What I'm confused about is the guy selling 17 of them at cost. He could have easily market up a 'buy in dodixie convienient' fee, done some research, but instead he's losing money. traders make no sense sometimes

  4. RMTers use items to transfer isk from one to another account because it is less suspicious than transfering isk. The Brutix BPO is worth about a PLEX so that would be a good item to give to someboy in exchange for real money.
    You can do the same with a lottery site. You "play" for the item (in this case the BPO) and let somebody "win" who gave you real money first.

    1. This is an incredibly bad way to do that since CCP not only has a record of the transactions but anything like 55 billion ISK in BPO sales on a T1 BC print is going to get a big red flag on it. Not to mention the fact that it is impossible to sell (55) BPO's for BC's even at below face value in any decent amount of time. If this is RMT, it's retard RMT.

    2. It's not retarded because if you have an unused BPO you can just sell it straight back to the NPC for cost....

      Is that the sound of a penny dropping. I hope so.

    3. Yeah good way to launder ISK between toons that won't flag as a donation at first glance when player corp officers do a full API check. Sort of looks like sale of a fortunate ratting drop except I don't think market BPOs drop as loot. But the price is fairly ironclad.

      Or some idiot with too much RL cash just tried to corner the market on Brutix BPOs not realizing NPC sales have an unlimited supply refreshed in minutes.

      Also got to keep in mind that for BC and smaller the market does not really reflect the numbers used. Lots of corps and individuals make their own -- without ships ever touching the market. Pretty sure 100K+ users online each day (40K+ turnsover several times in day) see close to 1000 Brutix destroyed each day -- given its one of the most popular T1 ships for PVP for players with 3+ months in EVE under their belt.

      So 100 BPOs could also be for legitimate use by large semi-noob corp like say Brave Newbies. Fleet maneuvers by Brave Newbies could easily feature 1000 Brutix. Still sort of noob vs null sec corp capital fleets. And ambitious Brave Newbies fleet actions tend to have a high loss rate per battle. Yet BN sometimes holds battle after battle on some weekends.
      LOL a surprise visit by 1000 Brutix plus a few 1000 smaller ships could certain give a black eye to most corps and alliances who were not planning their own major fleet ops. Heh that kind of firepower can put a POS in reinforce in under a minute and every POS in system before word even began to spread.
