
Saturday 13 September 2014

Watch for lowly priced sell orders outside Jita

I see this sort of thing quite often in trade hubs outside Jita.

Below are two items i was looking at where the cheapest Sell orders were oddly lower than the other Sell orders.  I was in Rens at the time.

The items were the Capital Core Defense Field Extender I and the Capital Drone Control Range Augmentor I.

In the case of the Capital Core Defense Field Extender I there were 2 Sell orders for 3 and 4 items, both at the same price and some 10m ISK below a very large Sell order.

In the case of the Capital Drone Control Range Augmentor I there were 2 Sell orders for 5 and 5 items, both at the same price and some 5m ISK below the next Sell order.

I am willing to bet all 4 of those Sell orders are from the same player and both invite further investigation.

Sure enough, comparison of the prices to Jita prices reveals a profit to be made.

In the case of the Capital Core Defense Field Extender i can buy the Sell orders out at Rens, ship them to Jita and sell them to normal priced Buy orders at 47m ISK (as shown below) getting about a 50m ISK profit in total.  The Jita Buy orders look normal so are very unlikely to be a scam.

In the case of the Capital Drone Control Range Augmentor I i can buy out the Sell orders in Rens and post them as Sell orders in Jita for about 15m ISK each (seems to be plenty of volume going through at that price as shown below) making about 60m ISK profit in total.

Hence a low risk 110m ISK profit less the 12m ISK cost of having Push Industries ship them all from Rens to Jita.

The beauty of buying from Sell orders that are materially lower than the established market average is that they tend not to be a scam (buy low, sell fair).


  1. What happens if the buys in Jita are non-colletarized by the same person as the sell orders in Rens? Wouldn't you just hit a huge loss? Since you cut the minimal amount on Jita buys, we cant take the guess strait. But you can of course also empty out coll with a product that has no relation to the above buy orders. So, the moment you try to dump in Jita, all buy orders could default with you having to eat the loss.

    1. yes - being on the receiving end of a scam is a risk. In this case though it is very small: if the Buy orders up in Jita are inline with the market average then it is likely they are real (someone would have tested them already given Jita volume); and if the Sell orders in Rens are clearly very low then that is not the way of a scam (which is normally a normal or high Sell order with a tempting but unrealistically high Buy order elsewhere).

  2. As a producer i do something similar quite often and the main reason are failed/busted buy orders. I produce JIT and ship the stuff to the trade-hubs, now for whatever reason the buy order failed and there are no "good" buy orders left. It makes no sense to me to ship this failed stock around, so i just list them a little over what the buy order price was, which usually looks like crazy in the smaller trade-hubs.
