
Saturday 23 May 2015

Moving Eve Online Character data to a new computer

So, my graphics card died on me which was a suitable catalyst for a new computer.  I was plesently surprised that by old PC had lasted 5 years and was still able to play my games and meet my requirements - though latterly it was coming to the edge of its abilities.

Anyway, below is what i did to make sure my Eve Character setup was as before.  I.e. quickbar settings, communication channel settings etc.

Quite simply, i just needed to copy the character files from one PC to the other.

The file with the Character data is located at:


where yourname is the name you have given for your data on your PC.

note, the AppData folder is a hidden folder in Windows so you either need to unhide it or do what i did and search for CCP in Windows Explorer.

in this folder you will find:

in the above you see that i have two accounts (core_user) each with 3 characters (core_char).

As far as i can tell, the core_user_12345678.dat files contain the data for your quickbars etc whilst the core_char_11223344.dat files contain the data for your channel tabs etc.

I copied the two core_user_12345678.dat files and the six core_char_11223344.dat files to my new PC.  i.e copy all the files where i have blanked out some data in red.

As far as i can tell, Eve Online on my new computer looks exactly like the old computer in terms of character set up.  Graphics settings though are not included though for me i was resetting to High anyway so i did not mind.

I am not sure what the other 2 .dat files do - they clearly hold some data given on my other PC they were a little bigger, though not much.

Note, this is a very similar process to copying quickbar data from one account to another which i covered in this post.

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