
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Wealth 46.2bn isk

The first two weeks in August have been slow.  Wealth rose by 2.7bn to 46.2bn isk.

I did pay a 1.8bn isk to Plex the account though, so the underlying wealth generated was 4.5bn isk - still slow compared to recent weeks.

I was aiming to increase wealth by 18bn isk in August, and that was after Plex costs.  I suspect this is looking a distant dream!

The other aims for August look achievable
1) Continue to expand the Dodixie trader sell orders
2) Plex the account and build up some surplus Plex.
3) Build up the Amarr trading business

Ship bought for travelling in low and null sec
I have bought and equipped a ship to travel in low and null sec so that i can buy some blueprints etc.  I will post its specs in a later post.

Amarr trader expanding well

The Amarr trader is ramping up nicely.  It now has 21bn isk of items up for sale and i am now at a point where i need to find new items for sale.  The only reason it would not get as much up for sale as the Dodixie trader is that margins are not so good given a higher level of competition.

Dodixie trader plods along

The Dodixie trader keeps plodding along, now regularly over 30bn isk of items up for sale though currently only at 27bn.  May be it has plateaued but is a reminder to me that i need to put aside some time to seek out new items for sale.

Competition up

I am suspecting that the holidays are bringing back more players and so rising competition into the markets.

I am certainly having to update more orders, and i am noticing that there are more updated orders ahead of my orders than normal.

I am also having to take bigger write-downs than normal to make my sales price the best price.


I have 700 surplus Plex.  I aim to always have 500 surplus Plex to cover the account costs with out a last minute panic to buy the plex.

. . . . . yet again, i report that Manufacturing plans has got nowhere fast - lets just take that as read.


My hopes for August are coming back a bit.  The aim was to be for 18bn isk increase in wealth (after paying for Plex) - but after nearly two weeks i am only on 2.7bn isk.  At this rate, 10bn would be a good achievement!

Other aims for August - all appear to be on track:
1) Continue to expand the Dodixie trader sell orders
2) Plex the account and build up some surplus Plex.
3) Build up the Amarr trading business

Current wealth is 46.2bn ISK made up from:
  • items for sale 47.8bn ISK
  • less a 20% provision 9.6bn ISK*
  • Plex held (700 Plex) 2.5bn ISK
  • items in storage for sale 0.0 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 5.5bn ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.

* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.  In an ideal world I would value my sell orders at the value which I bought the items for.

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