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Friday, 31 May 2013

Update and looking ahead

It will be a slow weekend for me making ISK given i will be away.  Indeed, next week will be slow given i am away on business for much of it.  It will be interesting to see what sells during the period that i do not update my sell orders.

I am keeping my minimum item gross margin requirement to 20%.  i.e.  if i sell an item for 90m having purchased it for 72m then i make a gross profit of 18m and a gross operating margin of 20% (=18/90).  In other words, a 25% mark-up.

And then of course come the other costs of doing business: a broker fee for posting the sell order = 0.80% of the sell order; a sales tax on sale = 1.05%; and the hauling fee to PushX Industries which is so far 5.8m a contract.

I am now starting to contract to PushX Industries haul over 300m ISK of cargo value at a time.  If i achieve the 20% gross profit margin then i should sell 300m ISK of cargo for 375m and make 75m profits.  Therefore the hauling fee of 5.8m ISK represents 1.55% on the sale.

Hence, in all my cost of doing business is 3.4% of the sales value which therefore leaves me making a minimum profit margin of 16.6%.

As my wealth rises and the amount if ISK i wake up to increases the pressure remains on how to reinvest that ISK to earn a suitable return.

To that end i am now buying items for up to 150m ISK.  At this level i am finding that i am mainly buying Implants.  Blueprints at this price tend to sell once every few days instead of at least once a day which is what i am looking for.

Indeed, whilst i am learning Retail 5 i am restricted to posting only 53 active sell orders and therefore i am actively having to make a decision not to sell some Blueprint items in favour of selling some higher profit Implants.

The month of June is going to see me doing a lot of travelling and therefore my time on Eve will be less leading to a lower profit progression.  I suspect i will continue to move up the price of items to reinvest my ISK in until i find myself with a Plex worth of ISK + a little bit more to allow me to start a new account in another Trade Hub.  So, say about 570m ISK that i find i can not readily reinvest with my current Main character.

Current wealth is  1,285,359,793 ISK made up from:
  • Items for sale 1,367,397,412 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 273,479,482 ISK*
  • items in storage for sale 63,600,000 ISK
  • items in transit 0 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 127,841,863 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.
* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost until i finally hold it as ISK.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Summary of route to 1bn ISK Wealth

Today i achieved wealth of 1bn ISK – 16 days into playing this character.
The summary of my route to 1bn ISK was:
Regional Hauling
Right from the start i bought items in Jita and hauled them to another region to sell in Dodixie.  In Eve, unlike World of Warcraft, the item for sale can only be bought at the station where it has been put on for sale.  Furthermore, whilst you can see all prices of all items in all stations in the same region you can not see into other regions until you get there.  Hence, there is big money to be made hauling items from lower priced regions to higher priced regions.
Sold low volume but very high margin items.
I stuck almost entirely to blueprints and implants the whole way.  They have a number of great advantages.  Firstly they take up very little cargo space – so in the beginning i only needed a small fast ship.  Secondly they sell in low volumes and so do not attract the bigger competitors who would rather deploy their ISK into faster selling items.  And so thirdly their profits are very high.  I don’t need to make high volume sales at this stage.
I reinvested the ISK straight back into the market.
ISK sitting in my wallet is not trying to make me a profit, reinvesting ISK from sold items into new items from Jita to sell was done daily.
Skilled up Trading – especially active trade skills.
I started with the ability to sell 5 items at a time and paid a full 1.00% broker fee and 1.50% sales tax.  By the time i got to 1bn ISK i was able to place 53 sale orders, paying a broker fee of 0.80% and sales tax of 1.05%.
Once above 100m ISK cargo – I used couriers.
Ok, it slows down the reinvestment time by 2 – 24 hours but it greatly reduces the risk of me being ambushed whilst hauling increasingly valuable cargos from Jita to Dodixie.  It also takes away the sheer tedium of doing the hauling.
I Sent an alt to Jita.
This is needed to make the contract hauling truly an afk experience.
Current wealth is  1,059,847,335 ISK made up from:
  • Items for sale 992,314,815 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 198,462,963 ISK*
  • items in storage for sale 51,600,000 ISK
  • items in transit 190,000,000 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 24,395,483 ISK
I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.
* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost until i finally hold it as ISK.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

When is wealth of 1bn not 1bn of wealth?

Answer: when it is not in ISK
My current wealth assets are:
  • Sell orders 978,571,201 ISK
  • Items in hanger for sale 21,800,000 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 8,717,192

Of course, my wealth is only the assets that I intend to convert to ISK - so not ships I use, or fittings I have bought, or costs I have spent such as skills or indeed Plex when the day comes.
So, technically i have wealth of 1,009,088,393 ISK in under 16 days on Eve.
Well, not really.
It is very likely that my sell orders will be undercut before they sell and i will chose to reduce my prices.
In an ideal world i would like to value my sell orders at the price at which i bought the items for and only recognise the sell order once it has been actually sold.
However, while there are some programs out there which will allow this, the Eve game mechanics don’t.  Hence, i take an arbitrary 20% provision to my sell orders which represents the maximum i expect to take the total sell orders down by to eventually sell.  May seem high given i am currently almost doubling my money on average but this ratio has been falling as i have been moving into more expensive items to sell.
Hence, when i work out my wealth i take this 20% provision (=-195,714,240 ISK in this case) off the total to arrive at what i call wealth.
So, today i have wealth of 813,374,153 ISK
I suspect i will be over 1bn ISK in one more cycle.  Still, not bad at all i think.

The (UK) holiday weekend was profitable

I am now at my maximum number of active orders on the market of 53.

Until Retail 5 is trained in 7 days time i will instead be dropping those items i was initially buying for 500k ISK and selling for 2m ISK and focusing on items to buy for say 20m ISK to sell for 30m ISK.

I have started using PushX Industries as routine for courier contracts now that my ISK to invest is over 100m a time.  Right now i have 2 contracts outstanding with a total of 226m ISK cargo which i hope to make margins of 30 to 40% on (i.e. sales of c345m ISK sales leading to profits of 119m ISK before taxes and fees).

I also created an alt character on my account and immediately sent him to Jita.  The plan here is to send money to this alt to make purchases in Jita and then by using contracts transferring these items to Dodixie to by put on the market to sell.  The alt character can not learn skills whilst another character on the account is learning skills – so his abilities are limited to buying items and contracting them to my main character who can then contract them to PushX Industries to haul to Dodixie.  And indeed my main character can do all this issuing of contracts from Dodixie.

Hence, it looks like the days of hauling myself are at an end.

On one side PushX Industries saves me the time of flying to Jita to pick up items to take back to Dodixie (30 minute round trip) as well as saving me the risk of being ambushed (ganked, in Eve parlance).  But on the other side, PushX Industries will never be as quick as me – hence i will not be able to reinvest my ISK as quickly as before and i will always have items “in transit”.  However, my Regional Hauling strategy is now more “AFKable” than before and more scalable.

My best selling items continue to be Blueprints and now Implants.  I only buy and sell a few (1 or 2) at a time.  When sold, i review the sell price in Dodixie and the buy price in Jita and restock to sell again.

Current wealth is 674,246,276 ISK made up from:
  • Items for sale 517,368,074 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 103,473,615 ISK*
  • items in storage for sale 20,000,000 ISK
  • items in transit 226,000,000 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 14,351,817 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.

* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost until i finally hold it as ISK.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Courier Corporations

I have two key risks in my Regional Hauling trading strategy.  Firstly i may buy items in Jita and not be able to sell them for a higher price in Dodixie.  Secondly, i may be ambushed when hauling the items from Jita to Dodixie.

There are plenty of simple things i can do to minimise this second risk such as not travelling on auto-pilot, having undocking and docking bookmarks and keep my cargo of low enough value to make an ambush uneconomic.

If someone was to consider ambushing me (ganking, in Eve parlance) then they know they will lose their ship to the Hi-Sec police (called Concord) and so they will need a second character or account near by to loot my wreak.  Hence, the attacker is making an economic decision firstly and then a military decision secondly.

My ship, a Catalyst, is not strong hence it would not take a big ship and weapons to gank me before the Concord police could come to my aid.  Thus, i am limiting my cargo value to 100m ISK.  Below that i can quite happily travel on autopilot.  Above that i need to take care.  My hauling strategy is to firstly avoid being scanned (will only last so long) and secondly not to make myself a target.

Or i can use a player corporation that is dedicated to hauling cargo for other players.  They know what they are doing and are very good at it.  They have made it into their own specialised industry.  There are two corporations that i know of: PushX Industries and Red Frog Freight.

Hence i am trying PushX industries for the first time to transport 130m ISK of cargo for me from Jita to Dodixie (which i can sell for about 184m ISK in Dodixie).  It will cost me 5.8m ISK (=3.2% of sales), so will increase my cost of selling by 2x – but given the margins i am already making and given the Courier Cost will only rise once the collateral gets over 1bn ISK this is a good plan.  To put this in perpective, lets assume i gave a contract to haul 1bn ISK of cargo that i could sell for a 20% markup then the hauling fees would only be 0.5% of sales (=5.8m/1.2bn).

In Eve Online the game mechanics allow for Courier Contracts between individuals and Corporations (player to player, player to corporation, corporation to corporation, corporation to player).  The contract is protected by using collateral – when a contract is accepted collateral must be put up by the accepting player (which is pre-determined by the player setting up the contract, as was the award fee) which is returned when the contract is completed, or goes to the player that set up the contract if the contract fails.

PushX Industries is a corporation that has been set up by players to courier items for other players.  They have the skills, ships and knowledge to make this work.  They charge by the number of warps they need to make (number of jumps +1) with reference to the size of the cargo and amount of collateral.  They can courier across Hi-Sec, Low-Sec and Null-Sec – they charge more for couriering outside of Hi-Sec.  They protect their couriers by using player alts to do the couriering (so not the named alts in the corporation) which protects them from spies and war declarations.  If a character of mine had sufficient skills and i enjoyed couriering i could apply to join.

At 13:20 Eve time on 26th May i set up a contract to courier 130m ISK of items (only taking up 104m3 of space) from Jita to Dodixie.  Contract set to expire in 3 days and complete within 3 days.  If the items are delivered on time i will pay 5.8m ISK.  The collateral i put on the contract was 130m ISK (which i will get if the contract is accepted but the delivery fails).

By 15:49 Eve time on the same day it had been delivered:

and an email sent to me:

All in two and a half hours, which is quick.

Certainly, for cargo over 100m ISK this is will now be fully integrated into my Regional Hauling strategy.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

The weekend is a key selling time

. . . . . . and it starts on Friday.
I came home from work with 114m ISK in the wallet from sold items – my biggest wallet amount yet.  I may be selling slow moving items but as my list of items to sell grows then i always know that i will be selling items overnight and during the day.  In a  24 hour period many of the blueprints are not undercut.
So, I took a trip to Jita to restock (yes, risked flying back with a cargo of almost 100m ISK) to take advantage of the Friday night buyers.
Had supper – logged back in and 85m ISK in the wallet from items sold.
So, another trip and back to Jita to restock.
I currently sell 47 items, out of a maximum 53 active orders i can have up.  This will soon be a constraint and so i have started learning Retail 5 which will give me an extra 8 allowable orders and also allow me to start to learn Wholesale which allows 16 additional orders per level.  Learning Retail 5 will take 9 days though.
Current wealth is 386,765,824 ISK made up from:
  • items for sale 452,234,631 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 90,446,926 ISK*
  • items in storage for sale 3,010,000 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 21,968,119 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.

* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.  In an ideal world I would value my sell orders at the value which I bought the items for.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Progress after 10 days

I am continuing with Regional Hauling – buying in Jita and selling in Dodixie.

I am now looking to buy items under 15m ISK that generate a return of at least 20%.  Sticking to the low volume items – so keeping mainly with Blueprints.

Every night i log in, see what has been sold, update the remaining sell orders and then fly to Jita to buy new items to sell in Dodixie.  I am selling 47 items – mainly Blueprints.

Timewise I am sticking to 45 to 60 minutes per night – though last night i did some Distribution missions and so was on for longer.  It takes me 15 minutes to fly to Jita (15 jumps, 1 minute a jump) a few minutes to buy the new items and then 15 minutes to fly back to Dodixie.  The remaining time is spent posting the bought items for sale.

My main constraint remains the ISK i have to invest.

My relevant Trading Skills are:

Accounting level 3 means that my tax rate on sale is reduced 30% (10% per level) from 1.50% to 1.05%.

Broker Relations level 4 means that my broker fee for posting buy and sell orders is reduced from 1.00% to 0.80%.

Contracting level 4 means that i can have a maximum of 17 contracts (4 per level) going at any one time – i will start contracting out my hauling once i get to 100m ISK of goods to haul.  Safer that way.

Marketing level 3 means that my sell orders can be purchased by buyers that are 16 jumps away (5 per level).

Retail level 4 means that the number of buy + sell orders i can have active at any one item is increased by 32 (8 per level).

Trade level 4 means  that the number of buy + sell orders i can have active at any one item is increased by 16 (4 per level).

. . . . . hence i can have 53 buy + sell orders active at any one time (5 + Trade Level 4 + Retail Level 4).

And the Social skills mean that my standing with the Federation Navy is improved and so i pay lower Fees.

I am currently trading Marketing Level 4.  I don’t need more slots but my next step will be to finally buy some implants to speed up my training and then start on Trade Level 5.  I have held of up to now on using implants because i could use my ISK much more effectively in Trading and i was not being held back by lack of skills.  However, i am now getting close to the lack of selling slots being a hindrance.

Current wealth is 249,087,354 ISK made up from:
  • items for sale 293,586,354 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 58,717,271 ISK*
  • items in storage for sale 3,010,000 ISK
  • ISK in wallet 11,208,834 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.
* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.  In an ideal world I would value my sell orders at the value which I bought the items for.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Progress after 7 days

I am maintaining my strategy of regional hauling.  I spend 45 minutes each day on Eve (= time taken for 15 jumps to Jita, purchase items, 15 jumps back, post items to sell, update remaining orders).  It is important i don’t let the ISK in my wallet rise, i need to reinvest it on a daily basis at this stage to maximise my growth in wealth.

The growth in my wealth has allowed me to expand my search criteria to looking for items priced below 1.5m ISK and then 2.5m ISK and now below 3.5m ISK.

I have expanded the number of items i sell to 33 – mostly blueprints – through an ongoing process described in my prior post of searching for items selling for a consistently higher price in Dodixie than in Jita.

They are low volume sales, one to two a day market size, and therefore have very few competitors.  My strategy is to enter the market but not disrupt it – so i am posting at 1 ISK below the lowest price.  Given i am just starting i have no need to adopt strategies to shake up any market, i just want to catch some of the sales.

I succeed here because these items are of no interest to other traders who make over 100m ISK per day in one trade hub.  In effect, i am operating under their radar.

My main constraint is my wealth, not the number of slots i have (now 53).

My relevant skills for trading are:

Hence, in Dodixie i pay 0.79% broker fee and 1.50% sales tax.

Using the formula BrokerFee % = (1% – 0.05% × BrokerRelationsSkillLevel) / e ^ (0.1 × FactionStanding + 0.04 × CorporationStanding)

My faction standing is 1.86 and my Broker Relations is level 3 which takes my Broker Fee from 1.00% to 0.79%.  Right now that is a small saving but in time will represent 2.1m ISK on every 1bn ISK of sales posted and be part of what allows me to be competitive in high volume station trading.

I am currently skilling up Broker Relations 4.

Further skills Trading skills will be needed in the future but their cost is high hence i will hold off until my ISK is higher.  Currently, the lack of skills is not holding me back, it is the lack of ISK to invest.

Current wealth is 144,130,551 ISK made up from:
  • items for sale 178,739,236 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 35,747,847 ISK*
  • ISK in wallet 1,139,162 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.

* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.  In an ideal world I would value my sell orders at the value which I bought the items for.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Progress after 3 days

3 days ago I had 4m ISK.  Each day when I return from work:

  1. I log in
  2. update my remaining orders to the lowest price
  3. note the new selling prices of the items that I have sold - I intend to buy these items from Jita to resell at Dodixie
  4. perhaps update my search for new items to sell, mainly blueprints
  5. fly to Jita (on auto-pilot, so I can be doing other things around my home)
  6. buy new items to sell - I reinvest all my ISK leaving just enough to pay the broker fee to post the sell order at Dodixie (currently 0.95%)
  7. fly back to Dodixie (again on auto pilot - no one is going to gank a catalyst carrying a few million ISK in high sec)
  8. post the orders for sale on the Dodixie market

Current wealth is 38,795,905 ISK made up from:
  • items for sale 47,840,905 ISK
  • less a 20% provision 9,568,123 ISK*
  • ISK in wallet 523,411 ISK

I don't count assets I use in the course of my business such as ships, fittings etc nor do I add back any expenses such as skills purchased etc.  The wealth I disclose is made up of items that are ISK or are in the process of being converted to ISK.

* I take a 20% provision against the items I am selling.  Eve calculates wealth by adding up the value of the sell orders hence it is possible to increase your wealth by buying an item for 100m ISK and putting a sell order for 120m ISK (in this case your wealth would increase by 20m ISK).  For me, I want my wealth to be calculated at cost.  I know that the value of my sell orders will likely fall over time as I update my orders downwards as competition reduces their prices before my items are sold.  Hence the 20% provision is my best guess as to what the maximum reduction I would need to make to my sell orders as a whole before they are sold.  In an ideal world I would value my sell orders at the value which I bought the items for.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

First ISK making Steps

My initial strategy will be to make ISK from Trading, specifically Regional Hauling.

That is, buying items in one system and hauling them to another system in a different region to sell.  More specifically I will be buying from Jita which is the largest trading hub in Eve and selling in Dodixie which is the fourth largest trading hub in Eve.  Its almost like the old style shipping from the Far East to sell into Europe idea.

The beauty of making Jita (Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant) the buy system is that the prices displayed on Eve-Central are very likely to be up to date given it is the most liquid market in Eve.

The beauty of making Dodixie (Dodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant) my sell system is that it is the trade hub in Gallente space and I am a Gallente character so I get better standings and so lower taxes.

The time spent will be time researching for items to sell, and time spent flying from Dodixie to Jita and back again.  I estimate 45 to 60 minutes a night, at the most - which is ideal for my week nights.

So, I started researching by screening for trades on Eve-central.  Eve-Central is a third party website that relies in players to upload market data through an automated app to its website and therefore keeps a reasonably broad database of prices of items for purchase and sale throughout Eve.  Of course, the data is only as good as the players that upload the data and so gets better at trade hubs which are more concentrated and less useful further out.

on the Eve-Central website:

  1. select "Trade Tools"
  2. and then scroll down to the "System and Region Price Comparison Tool"
  3. Input Jita in the "From:" box and Dodixie in the "To:" box
  4. and then press "Compare!"
This produces a screen that shows the best selling price of an item in Jita compared to the best selling price of an item in Dodixie and ranks them by the difference.

What I am looking for is to sell a range of items that sell at least once a day and make a high percentage profit.  So, for example, buying for 800k ISK and selling for 1,900k ISK.  High margin, low per day volume.

I noted a range of items, mainly Blueprints, noted the Dodixie selling price on a spreadsheet and put each item in my Quickbar to easy reference.  And then I flew off to Jita in my Catalyst, 450m3 space.  Its safe enough, no-one would want to kill an empty Catalyst in Hi-Sec.

I bought 7 items spending almost all my 4m ISK.

15 jumps to Jita, 15 jumps back.  So half an hour travel time if not on autopilot.

I posted the sales on the Dodixie market.

I set up the first sales window through the advanced option, for 1 item, 3 months - and so that remains the default onwards.  Brokers fee 0.93% (paid on posting), sales tax 1.50% (paid on sale).

. . . . . and then went to bed.

Starting Skills

The skills I started off with following the training missions I suspect are common to all starting characters.

Currently training Trade 4 to start Accountancy at some stage, and will be levelling up my Social skills to increase my standing to reduce my taxes.

It all starts here

It all starts here as I download the client.

I did the training missions.  Took me 2 evenings.

Very enjoyable though Exploration was frustrating – i would leave that to last - watch the Eve training video for Exploration.  I have to say i quite came to like Exploration.

Ended up with 4m ISK in my wallet.

I trained the skills as they were given to me and focused on Trade skills in between.

. . . . . .  and flew off to Dodixe to start making ISK.

If you are starting too, then it would not be a waste of your time to browse the Eve University website, listen to some of their classes and browse their wiki