It is worth having a post on this for those players who don't do manufacturing.
There are four types of "taxes" directly related to Manufacturing: System Index; Facility Tax; SCC surcharge; Alpha Clone Tax.
There are four types of "taxes" directly related to Manufacturing: System Index; Facility Tax; SCC surcharge; Alpha Clone Tax.
To put it in context, manufacturing in Jita at the time of writing this post will add 24% to the cost of your item vs somewhere in Low Sec and it will cost only an additional 5% plus the courier fees if you use third party couriers.
Therefore, I will be manufacturing in Low Sec.
System Index
This makes it more expensive to manufacture in a system where there is much manufacturing occurring.
Technically, the System cost index = (Work hours done in system in past 28 days / Work hours done in universe in past 28 days) ^ (1/2)
at the bottom of the post is the Excel Add In formula to use.
In Jita, for example, the current System Index is 20%. That means that it effectively costs an additional 20% to manufacture an item in Jita.
(technical point, Eve Online uses what is called the "Effective Item Value" to measure the cost of the item being manufactured. it is this "Effective Item Value" that the System Index is applied to. The Effective Item Value is a sort of measure of the sum of the cost of the materials used to manufacture the item.
A useful chart that shows how it has changed over time for a given system can be found at Adam4Eve. This link shows Jita Cost Indexes.
Not really a tax in the true form but in substance it is.
Facility tax
Fixed at 0.25% of Effective Item Value for NPC stations. Set by the owner for player structures.
SCC surcharge
Fixed at 4% of Effective Item Value.
Alpha clone tax
Only applicable to Alpha clones, set to 0.25% of Effective Item Value.
Eve Excel Add In formulas
The Excel Add In to determine the Effective Item Value is
=SUMPRODUCT(SORT(EVEONLINE.BLUEPRINT(EVEONLINE.INVENTORYSEARCH(B2,1).id).manufacturing.materials).quantity,IFERROR(SORT(EVEONLINE.BLUEPRINT(EVEONLINE.INVENTORYSEARCH(B2,1).id).manufacturing.materials).type.[Adjusted Price],0))
where B2 is the Item name.
The Excel Add In to determine the System Index is
where N3 is the System id.
or if you only have the system name then it is
where M3 is the system name