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Saturday, 4 January 2025

Twitch - my subs, gift subbing and related charities donations + Patreon fees = £15,000

Almost £15,000 gifted

I am a late arriver to twitch.  I think i started watching content in around 2022.  I focus almost purely on Eve Online.

And my first gift sub was in May 2023 to ContempoEnterprises who is still going strong.

Since then i now pay monthly subs to some content creators i like, get involved in gifting subs, donate to Charities fronted by Eve content creators on Twitch and contribute to Patreon fees.

So, i wondered how much in total i had spent in total since then to 31 December 2024.

The answer is almost £15,000.

. . . . . . and its all in my budget, so no worries there.

Monthly Subs (=£370)

I currently have monthly subs for 7 content creators.  They come at about £5 per month.

contempoenterprises (20 months subbed)

oz_eve (19 months subbed)

eve_university (14 months subbed)

funinc (13 months subbed)

bigglesworthxd (4 months subbed)

theoneandonlysidar (3 months subbed)

nth_dimensional (1 months subbed)

Gift Subs (=£8,620)

I have gifted 2,155 subs.

This is where i gift a monthly sub to a specific or random member of the audience.  I can gift anywhere from 1 to 100 subs at any one time.  And i suspect i have done the complete range.

(I had to recall the content creators i had gifted to work this out, the Twitch Wallet Payment History page stops working quite quickly).

I suspect the average price is £4 per sub - it varies with discounts for volume and seasonal discounts.

I will say right now, Twitch do it well and they know what they are doing: starting or sustaining a hype train is exhilarating; gifting with less than a minute to go on the hype train is great fun; taking content creators to new records puts me on a high.

oz_eve - gifted 1597 subs

raff_about_it - gifted 152 subs

theoneandonlysidar - gifted 147 subs

contempoenterprises - gifted 117 subs

dangerous_d666 - gifted 50 subs

nth_dimensional - gifted 45 subs

schadsquatch - gifted 19 subs

funinc - gifted 10 subs

crashnaps - gifted 6 subs

sniperkrizz - gifted 6 subs

asuralite - gifted 1 subs

imperiumnews - gifted 1 subs

milkonedge - gifted 1 subs

moon_wolf83 - gifted 1 subs

spacedoutblonde - gifted 1 subs

uedamascout - gifted 1 subs

Charities (=£5,070)

Eve players often have 24 hour charity streams for their favourite causes which i donate to.

schadsquatch / ExtraLife $1570

spacedoutblonde / ExtraLife $1185

sokaars_legions / ExtraLife $3207

contempoenterprises / Cancer Charity £300

I know there are one or two others i have done but can't find the records of.

In the (UK) tax year to April 2024, i spent another £7,400 on non-Eve Charitable donations (so not included in the £15k here) which will only include £300 of the above - donations to overseas charities does not get any tax relief so i don't record this on the Tax Return.

In the UK charity donations are paid out of gross income and therefore when i donate to UK charities the first 20% of the overpaid tax goes to the charity and then the following 25% comes back to me.  Hence, if i donate £80 to a charity then the charity gets an additional £20 and i get £25 back.

Patreon - Eve related (=£794)

I also contribute to Patreon for the following Eve Content generators, some monthly and some annually.

Xre Sloracknor for 51 months, ongoing =$510 (since 2020) (this is evetycoon)

The Oz (Oz_Eve) for 1 year, ongoing =£224

Declarations of War for 4 months, ongoing =$60

What for 2025?

Well, this all depends on my year end bonus at work which i will know in January.


  1. Wow that is a substantial amount of money. If yuo can do it though then good luck to you.

    Do you ever find wanting to get involved with groups within eve itself, or even have others join your corp for more community or do yuo much prefer to solo aspect of what you do?

    1. I always want to join a group or something like that . . . . . but real life time available keeps me away from it all. Currently i am trying to look into more serious manufacturing . . . real life permitting.

    2. Good luck with it all, i am trying an indy life at the moment having left a C4 WH group, I am not part of a corp atm so wondering where to settle is the first hurdle.

      Ive tried emulating a little of what you do, but its not been succesful for me so ill stick to what i know :)
